Voice command & Rich animation interaction
AI Deep learning generated lifelike motion
Quick type-C charging, easy to use
Lovely companion for elderly
Furry buddy on the office
Best playmate for children
Looks like a Dog
Sounds like a Dog
Feels like a real Dog!
A Symphony of Sounds
Realistic sounds, from playful barks to soulful howls,
cheerful woofs, and even contented sighs. Always
ready to brighten your day.
Engaging Voice and Touch
metaDog responds to your voice commands with
enthusiasm and reacts to your touch with lifelike
responses. With metaDog, enjoy a dynamic and
interactive experience.
Lifelike Appearance
metaDog's exceptional realism in its dog-like appearance
faithfully captures the essence of a real dog. Get ready
to appreciate metaDog's lifelike charm.
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